Lessons That Will Teach You All You Need To Know About Emotional Self Care

Lessons That Will Teach You All You Need To Know About Emotional Self Care

How to take care of yourself?

Emotional self-care is caring for your emotional needs by identifying what it is you’re feeling and then moving forward in a way that honors yourself and those emotions. When our emotional self-care needs are not being addressed, we tend to feel frustrated and burnt-out, leaving us with a feeling of, “how the hell did I get myself into this mess?” and no real plan to climb out.⁣

Self care idea

Here are more ways to start incorporating emotional self-care into your daily life:⁣

* Take a few deep breaths, especially before expressing your feelings⁣

* Learn to say No and serve yourself first⁣

* Protect your energy from others⁣

* Create boundaries that feel good to set and encourage others to do the same⁣

* Stop over-explaining yourself to others⁣

* Reserve the word Sorry only for those moments when you’re truly sorry⁣

* Call on others for help when you start to feel overwhelmed⁣

* Accept compliments without argument or pushback, just a simple Thank You⁣

* Experience your emotions without judgment, guilt, or embarrassment⁣

* Give yourself the grace to try again when moments don’t go as planned, ⁣

Emotinal self care Vahcare

This is a practice, a very intentional practice. It will not happen overnight but daily purposeful practices will bring you changes.

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